November 8, 2021

Oh Wow

I’ve got arcade pads.

January 2, 2018

You know what, never mind. My big reveal was supposed to be that became available and I snatched it. But someone else snatched the fucking thing again as soon as it dropped again even though I was watching for it a-fucking-gain.  The funny thing is I don’t think the site ever had ads on it. Meaning people […]

May 18, 2013

Phoenix From Ashes

So TLoM’s been quite a while with no update. This isn’t terribly unusual. But I’m here because I’ve had something pretty freaking awful happen: My entire simfile library has been lost. There was something like 5900 songs in it, a lot of stuff from the OGs of StepMania, the height of it’s popularity. And it’s […]